Thanks to Peter Gluck on his Ego Out website we can see the list of presentations made at a recent seminar held on November 24 at the People’s Friendship University in Moscow, Russia.
Peter lists the program as follows:
Program of the day:
1. 16.00-16.10 Alexander Alexeevich Prosvirnov (VNIIAES- All Russia Scientific Researh Institute for the Atomic Electrostation) News in Cold fusion and LENR
2. 16.10-16.50 Stepan Nikolaevich Andreev (Dr. Phys-Math, Inst General Physics, Moscow), Alla Kornilova,(Dr. Lomonosov State Univ), Vladimir Alexandrovich Koshcheev (All Russia Scientific Research Institute for inorganic Materials named after Bochvar) “Non-linear quenching of radioactivity of Cs-137 in biological systems and at laser ablation in liquids”
3. 16.50-17.20 Yuri Nikolaevich Bazhutov(Dr. Phys-Math, Kurchatov Inst, Moscow) Thermal Generator based on plasma elctrolysis giving more than 200% excess energy
4. 17.20-17.50. Alexander Georgevich Parkhomov (Dr. Phys-Math, Moscow) Low Energy Nuclear reactions in nickel-hydrogen systems”
5. 17.50-18.20. Anatolii Ivanovich Klimov (Russian Academy of Science, Moscow) Plasmoidal sources of energy and the transmutations of chemical elements.
6. 18.20-18.50. Discussions of the experts
More information on Ego Out, with links to individual presentations can be found here:
A link to the original report in Russian is here:
I am at a disadvantage here because these presentations were all made in Russian, but I hope we’ll be able to get some help with that from both Russian speakers and computer translations which will help us get a better idea of the content of the presentations.