Vessela Nikolova has published a post on her ‘E-Cat, The New Fire’ website that reports about some news from Italy regarding LENR. One item is that ENEA is sponsoring a seminar about LENR, and another is about a new interview with Andrea Rossi publishes in the Italian magazine Elements.
Regarding the interview, Vessela explains:
I also find really interesting that the Manager of Energy Services (GSE) – a major company of the Italian Stock Exchange, controlled by the Italian Ministry of Finance as it provides the incentives for renewable energy – has published in the issue 38 (August-November 2016) of its magazine “Elements” an article entitled “The Cold fusion. From fiction to reality?“, in which Andrea Rossi provides interesting answers during an interview about the E-Cat: the ingredients used, the products of the reactions, and so on. Get it here (pp. 68-70).
Elements is in Italian only, and the formatting makes it unsuitable for copy and paste. I have an Italian friend who says he will provide a translation tomorrow.
UPDATE (Dec 6, 2016)
Thanks to my Italian friend, here is an English translation of the interview with Rossi section of the Elements article:
AR: In a few words, a fluid, usually consisting of water, air, and diathermic oil, is run through a heat exchanger, [and] is heated by contact with a fuel consisting of nickel, lithium hydride and metallic lithium. In the heat exchanging process, the temperature of the fluid rises.
E: What are the characteristics of the E-Cat’s operation? [a better translation would be simply: “how does the E-Cat work?”]
AR: It’s relatively simple. The reactions take place inside a chamber or cell, into which very minute quantities of nickel powder and hydrogen are injected at a given pressure. In order to trigger the fusion reaction between the atoms of the two elements one must heat up the reaction chamber, and supply energy from the outside. The machine transforms an infinitesimal quantity of nickel into copper – the latter being the product of the reaction, together with low-energy gamma rays that heat up the water.
E: Is what underlies the process “cold fusion”?
AR: Calling the process underlying the E-Cat “fusion” is a misnomer. What we’re really talking about is low-energy nuclear reactions. E: What are the advantages compared to a hot fusion reactor?AR: Certainly, the low temperature required (about 1400°C), especially if one compares it with the 1 million degrees necessary to start the process in hot fusion reactors such as the European ITER or the Californian NIF. A fusion at those temperatures, which reproduces the process that takes place in the sun and in all stars, requires extremely complex and expensive technologies (magnetic or inertial confinement).
E: And what are the advantages compared to a “fission” reactor?
AR: When one speaks of nuclear fission plants, the most obvious features that are characteristic of, and cause fear in, the public opinion concern the risk of reactor explosion and radioactive leakage. The E-Cat does not use such materials, therefore the production of radioactivity and the relevant waste do not exist. And if you consider the size of the reactor, the risk of explosion is almost nil.
E: May we define it a “domestic nuclear reactor”?
AR: Absolutely not.
E: May we envision a development of the project and its future commercialization?
AR: What makes the E-Cat revolutionary with respects to the other hitherto existing experimental devices that use palladium and deuterium (like the Fleischmann and Pons model), is the ratio between thermal energy produced and supplied. This ratio is actually 200 to 1, that is, for 1 kWh of supplied electrical power, 200 thermal kilowatt-hours, or more – which may be used for heating, industrial applications, or the production of electrical power – are produced. This envisions a commercial use for this invention.