The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil
As the Brilliant Light Power SunCell R&D moves forward over the coming months, certain hard-to-understand problems will develop in that effort that will show that the SunCell is really a LENR based system. As a foreshadowing of these development problems, I will make a prediction about how the SunCell works as a LENR system which, if realized, will disprove the Hydrino theory as a central mover in the way the SunCell functions. This production and its expansion will demonstrate how LENR works in the plasma state as a process centered on transition metal nanowire production as a condensate from the vapor state.
As background to develop and explain this issue, the boiling point of silver is 2435 K (2162 °C, 3924 °F). If the high temperature of the plasma inside the SunCell keeps the silver vapor from condensing into nanoparticles than the dusty plasma based LENR reaction will stop. The SunCell will flicker around the boiling point of silver and the plasma temperature will stabilize and hover at the 2162C boiling point of silver.
R. Mills has shown two SunCell distinct architectures that have demonstrated two separate capiblities, first: high power density, second: long duration and self-sustained ignition.
There is a major differences between the full power SunCell unit that has used a tungsten electrode and the lower temperature long reaction endurance unit used to show self-sustained mode.
In the full power test, Mills used tungsten whose boiling point is 6203 K (5930 °C, 10,706 °F). There is no temperature limitation problem with nanoparticle formation here. In the low power endurance test, the temperature of the plasma produced was far below the full power test because the test reactor containment structure was stainless steel.
I predict that the Mills SunCell will not work at full power where the temperature needs to reach 3000C using the silver liquid electrodes because the plasma at that temperature requirement will get far too hot for silver condensation. The temperature cap is 2162 °C using silver, its vaporization temperature.
As a Goldilocks solution, Mills might try a possible high temperature replacement for silver: Titanium, boiling point 3560 K (3287 °C, 5949 °F).
I also believe that the shape of the nanoparticle is important. The nanoparticle in dusty plasma might need to be reformed into nanowires. Silver can produce nanowires and so can titanium.
Titanium has been shown the capability to do this dusty plasma LENR reaction function nicely in the exploding foil experiments described here:
Low-energy nuclear reactions and the leptonic monopole
Georges Lochak, Leonid Urutskoev
These exploding foil experiments vaporize titanium and then produce LENR reactions such as fusion, fission and transmutation. This type of experiment provides support from my belief that the SunCell is really based on the LENR reaction rather than this hydrino myth.
The number exploding wire experiments done in Russia has been extensive, so much so that a computer program has been written based on these experimental results that predict what the transmutation results will be based on the type of material used in the exploding wire or foil.
There are other SunCell like LENR experiments that have demonstrated solid transmutation results. Proton 21 is one.
The bottom line, the SunCell is just a variant of these exploding foil dusty plasma based experiments.
Axil Axil