It has not been uncommon to hear LENR researchers report apparent COP results from their experiments of somewhere between 1.1 – 1.5, and the recent replication interim report written by Francis Tanzella of SRI’s testing of Brillouin system has results in a similar range. Here’s a table and excerpt from the report (available here:

The LENR coefficients of performance (COPs) that have been produced in the Brillouin IPB HHTs in 2016, and the related power output levels of a couple or several Watts, especially since March of 2016, are admittedly low and small-scale. However, it would be a mistake to discount them, in light of the accuracy of their calorimetry, the consistent repeatability of their production, their controllability, and the refinement of their manufacturing techniques, specifications, and components, all leading to the same repeated results as verified independently. The transportability of the system is also a remarkable achievement from an independent review basis. While these achievements are still being produced in a test laboratory at bench scale, they are uniquely pointing to an engineering pathway to evolve an actual commercial design. I know of no other independently verified results of this kind in the field today.
Even with a small COP, and relatively low-power, if these results are accurate, this would be a scientifically significant result. For a system to produce more power than is input for a reasonable period of time has been the goal of hot fusion researchers for decades, and still it is not yet attainable. I think that results such as this from any hot fusion system would be headline news, but LENR does not garner the same amount of attention from journalists.
So I think this SRI result can be added to a growing list of results that seem to show that LENR is a viable means of producing an overunity amount of energy.
However, from the standpoint of critics, there does seem to be a problem with the low-COP, low-power results, since the apparent excess energy might be dismissed as statistical noise. The SRI report does state that higher COPs have been produced with the Brillouin system, but not as consistently. From the report:
At least one core, having undergone special material processing explained in the technical section, has produced COP’s of 1.91 and 2.08. Several other test runs were above 1.5 or 1.6. However, these higher output results have so far been not as reliably repeatable. As core construction continues to improve and more protocols and parameters are tested and refined, we expect to see more of the higher COP’s. Regardless, the test results summarized herein are the basis for the conclusions in this Interim Progress Report, because of the extensive analysis they have been put through, including their repeatability and their accuracy. Brillouin and SRI are continuing to expand these test results with additional test core materials and data outputs at this time.
We should note, then, that this is an interim report, and we might see in future updates better results. For now, I think this work helps the cause of LENR, and might raise its visibility, but higher COP and higher power results would help reduce some of the continuing doubts.
SRI Replication Report Another Interesting Addition to LENR Body of Research
It has not been uncommon to hear LENR researchers report apparent COP results from their experiments of somewhere between 1.1 – 1.5, and the recent replication interim report written by Francis Tanzella of SRI’s testing of Brillouin system has results in a similar range. Here’s a table and excerpt from the report (available here:
Even with a small COP, and relatively low-power, if these results are accurate, this would be a scientifically significant result. For a system to produce more power than is input for a reasonable period of time has been the goal of hot fusion researchers for decades, and still it is not yet attainable. I think that results such as this from any hot fusion system would be headline news, but LENR does not garner the same amount of attention from journalists.
So I think this SRI result can be added to a growing list of results that seem to show that LENR is a viable means of producing an overunity amount of energy.
However, from the standpoint of critics, there does seem to be a problem with the low-COP, low-power results, since the apparent excess energy might be dismissed as statistical noise. The SRI report does state that higher COPs have been produced with the Brillouin system, but not as consistently. From the report:
We should note, then, that this is an interim report, and we might see in future updates better results. For now, I think this work helps the cause of LENR, and might raise its visibility, but higher COP and higher power results would help reduce some of the continuing doubts.