Thanks to the readers who pointed out an article from the Scotsman newspaper yesterday written by Dr Tony Trewavas, Professor Emeritus of the University of Edinburgh, and a member of Scientific Alliance Scotland. Dr. Trewavas worked in the field of biology until his retirement from the university.
The title of the article is “UK Should be Generating Research into World-changing Cold Fusion System”
A few excerpts:
“However, the anomalous heat generation has been reported many thousands of times since in laboratories around the world and is now entirely reproducible, although the excess energy size can be variable . . .
What is needed is small compared with the billions given to tokamak research, which at best will only give tenfold energy gain and whose success seems eternally 30-50 years away. Investigating sources of variation and ensuring the excess heat is completely replicable is still needed and better control of the industrial production of palladium or nickel, seemingly one cause of anomalous heat variation between experiments . . .
Given the potential, why is there no research in the UK? The attitudes of most scientists were coloured by the early invalid and negative claims of anomalous heat reinforced by the mistaken name of fusion. India, China, Russia and Israel are devoting significant resources to LENR development, as is Japan, where both Toyota and Mitsubishi are involved. Martin Fleischmann, who died in 2012, was a UK scientist and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Is this yet another example of failure to exploit the genuine talent of UK science from ignorance of present achievements or head-in-the-sand dogma?”
Read the full article at:
I would imagine that there are many readers here see his suggestions as eminently logical and sensible, but as we know, it is very difficult to get the field of LENR to be taken seriously be people in positions of power and influence. Over the years we have seen some signals from people in UK government agencies that they are watching the field, but so far I don’t think they have seen enough in the way of verifiable research reports to get them to open the public purse and fund LENR projects. I believe that we could be getting closer to the time when LENR gets to be taken more seriously, especially if Open Science projects can verify clear excess energy production in LENR systems, which is what the MFMP is working towards. Of course working LENR commercial devices would help a lot, too.