LENR Patent Update – Ceramic Element (Dennis Craven Patent Granted)

The following post has been submitted by Greg Goble

Dennis Craven (of the Baker Craven Taylor group) has updated the patent, Ceramic Element.
LENR Patent Update – “Ceramic element”
US 8485791 B2 – Assignee – Brown-Cravens-Taylor
(GRANT) Issued: Jul 16, 2013 – Priory date: Aug 31, 2009

A new name, new wording, abstract, etc. “Ceramic Heating Element”, published in August 2016. It has been granted. It’s interesting that 12 of the 14 patent citations were cited by the patent examiner. The inventor only cites two, one is the Rossi patent.

Ceramic heating element http://www.google.com/patents/US9410721
US 9410721 B2
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 13/920,358
Publication date: Aug 9, 2016
Inventors: Dennis Cravens
Original Assignee: Brown Cravens Taylor

A heating element that includes a ceramic material doped with various elements is described. The heating element can be heated by forcing a fuel to flow through the ceramic material, where the fuel interacts with the dopants. The interaction can produce energy in the form of heat. Inventive aspects of the present material include apparatus and methods for modulation of the heat energy, physical features providing for an increase in the rate of heat release, optimization of materials and material morphology for quantity and efficiency of heat release and provision for fueling and maintenance.