The following post has been submitted by Allan Shura
I became interested in new clean energy technologies in 2009 when reports that the US Navy had confirmed excess heat with cold fusion not long after physics professor Yoshiaki Arata of Osaka University in Japan made the first successful public media demonstration of cold fusion.
I was then interested in numerous claims about self looping generators providing excess power. I started experiments nearly 2 years ago and because I have had good results progressively I want to advance the project to the next level.
The motor generator prototype is a platform for the development of power generation and electrical products. I will start an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign during this week as a way for this technology breakthrough to move forward with the opportunity to become widely available.
This project is a DC permanent magnet motor configuration. The orientation and configuration of the motors induces magnetic and electrical oscillation for recapture of force and accelerates to capacitance of the prototype. Since easily available and widespread commonly available components are used in the device the IP could be described as an industrial process. The addition of a particular circuit results in an immediate large increase in power measurable by both instrumentation and physical observation.
There are several combined interactive forces in this dynamic system.
Video: Acceleration Under a load
February 26 2017
This video explains the orientation of the permanent magnet motors at a power and voltage around 17 watts. These tool torque motors are oriented 90 degrees and accelerate under a limited constant supply of power from a lab grade DC power supply. The cycle is opposing or 90 degrees offset at a given instant in time.
This is the normal motor generator configuration except for the offset orientation of the motors and magnets in the motors.
Normally the foundational math would be consistent as the assumption is that the power would be drawn for a load from the non powered side or the generator side.
Large industrial units of DC motor generators are used to transform low DC voltage to higher DC voltage with the increased number of magnets and coils in the generator side of the large industrial transformer. In AC however the
usual solid state or core and wire coil transformer is used to raise the voltage.
The local area spacing between the two sides has a boosting magnetic or electromagnetic force along the armature shaft and in the open space between some of which is thought to be magnetic and also radio or frequency hertz communicative. At the zero point or shaft connection there is phase polarity interaction as hypothesized but not recorded yet in instrument research of this project.
The observable effect is acceleration beyond what would be usually seen.
That is usually angular momentum for some minutes dependent on the speed and mass ratio. Acceleration beyond the normal time and range of angular momentum for a motor would indicate more power being generated. Acceleration under a load under these conditions is not demonstrated by the foundational math probably due to a lack of variables considered.
The importance of the brush to armature angle and electromagnetic forces in the phase shift cycle of rotation is touched on in the mystery of the amplidyne videos for formative ideas theory and hypotheses.
Video: Renewable Energy Generator – voltage acceleration
May 14 2017
A live test and data is recorded. This configuration A 26.9 watt DC resistive bulb is used as a load. The configuration is the same as the previous video that showed an accelerative effect. This test shows the addition of a circuit that results in a
large increase in power in the dynamic system. The data is shown for the increase in power.
The data tests the difference in power for a 26.9 resistive watt light load:
1) without the electromechanical generator.
2) with the electromechanical generator
3) with the electromechanical generator and the wave regenerative circuit
The test showed both the digital power supply readings
and digital multi meter readings for power input independent of each other.
There was a large increase in power with the added circuit.
There was much less than expected increase in the power input with a balanced bulb load added using the circuit. For example an apparent 18 watt bulb load under multi meter readings showed only a 3.6 watts increase in input power using the circuit together with the power generating system.
The data is shown first in the video and then the corrected data on the website:
Video: Energy Generator Circuit Test
August 3 2017
This is a test to help resolve 2 parameters.
First the current limiting 6.75 watt AC to DC adapter is an alternate source of constant DC current as a control compared to the voltage regulation of the lab grade DC power supply used in the Video: Renewable Energy Generator – voltage acceleration toward the validation of power gain effects.
The effects of power gain if using the applied circuit at the lowest level of voltage and power for the system to run is tested.
Using the AC adapter DC limited current input:
1) A single motor alone will not run on the power input but has a strong pulse.
2) Two 26 watt lights will glow and resonate at the low power three will barely blink without a constant glow.
3) The configured motor generator unit will not run on the power available.
4) Condition with the circuit added:
The configured motor generator runs and is able to glow two lights and maintain a higher than expected rotation and torque using the same limited DC power input of the adapter.
5) The results and observations show a net gain in power using the circuit using the same limited input of power supplied.
These are the observed results showing an increase in electro mechanical torque. A hypothesis could be regenerative amperage current standing square wave pulse oscillation and or other theories of interactions within the
More information can be found at the new website:
and on my You Tube channel: