Stirling Engines Now “Extremely Important” to Rossi

Today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, Andrea Rossi signaled a new interest in connection with his E-Cat: Stirling engines. Stirling engines are heat engines that use the expansion and compression of a gas to provide mechanical energy. Below is a video of Bill Nye demonstrating a simple Stirling engine.

Here are a few comments from the JONP:

Andrea Rossi
October 14, 2017 at 9:51 AM
If any Stirling engine manufacturer has a 50 kW engine ready to be bought, this is the very right moment to contact me.
Warm Regards,

Colin Watters
October 14, 2017 at 2:17 PM
I think Kockums in Sweden may make a 100HP Sterling engine.

Andrea Rossi
October 14, 2017 at 2:50 PM
Colin Watters:
Thank you very much for the information. This issue now is hot.
Warm Regards,

Frank Acland
October 14, 2017 at 4:54 PM
Dear Andrea,

I know you have shown some interest in Stirling engines over the years, but I am wondering what makes the Stirling Engine a “hot” topic for you right now?

Andrea Rossi
October 14, 2017 at 7:38 PM
Frank Acland:
I deem this field extremely important.
Warm Regards,

There have been a number of readers posting suggestions for suppliers of Stirling engines and he seems to be in the mood to get his hands on at least one.

If the E-Cat can provide a constant source of very inexpensive heat, then it might make sense to combine it with a Stirling engine as an efficient means of making use of the E-Cat’s energy — perhaps for generating electricity or operating pumps or drivetrains. Perhaps Rossi sees it as a more attractive method of electricity production than using steam turbines. It will be interesting to see where this might lead.