Bob Greenyer Presentation at Asti, Italy (Video)

A new video has been posted by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project of a presentation made by Bob Greenyer at the ISCMNS: 12th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals 2017 held near Asti, Italy in June 2017.

From the video description:

Asti Presentation – June 9, 2017
In this presentation, MFMP volunteer Bob Greenyer
– presents approaches using isotopes that may prove the mechanism behind LENR
– discusses Parkhomov data gained from MFMP analysis that relies on an isotope and that might support ‘Lugano Report’
– verification by a third party of element production determined by MFMP in Suhas Ralkars’ ECCO fuel preparation
– puts forward a possible LENR mechanism for consideration based on data derived from ECCO fuel and other researchers inside and outside the field.