I think that the release of the Brief Summary Report titled “Phenomenology and Controllability of New Exothermic Reaction between Metal and Hydrogen” by the Japanese research team is highly significant for the LENR field.
One of the researchers in the group, Akito Takahashi has added an update on Researchgate about the program.
“Leading the Japanese Gvt NEDO project on anomalous heat effect of nano-metal and hydrogen gas interaction. Goal: To confirm non-chemical (namely nuclear origin-like) high energy-density heat genration by nano-metal and hydrogen gas inetraction at elevated temperature and to extend R&D program for new hydrogen energy devices.”
NEDO is the Japanese government’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, established in 1980 to promote the development of new energy technologies.
The following comes from the NEDO website:
NEDO’s Missions
NEDO plays an important part in Japan’s economic and industrial policies as one of the largest public research and development management organizations. It has two basic missions: addressing energy and global environmental problems, and enhancing industrial technology.
■ Addressing energy and global environmental problems
NEDO actively undertakes the development of new energy (e.g., photovoltaic, wind power, biomass and waste, geothermal power, thermal utilization, and fuel cells) and energy conservation technologies. It also conducts research to verify technical results. Through these efforts, NEDO promotes greater utilization of new energy and improved energy conservation. NEDO also contributes to a stable energy supply and the resolution of global environmental problems by promoting the demonstration of new energy, energy conservation, and environmental technologies abroad based on knowledge obtained from domestic projects.
■ Enhancing industrial technology
With the aim of raising the level of industrial technology, NEDO pursues research and development of advanced new technology. Drawing on its considerable management know-how, NEDO carries out projects to explore future technology seeds as well as mid- to long-term projects that form the basis of industrial development. It also supports research related to practical application.
One thing that is interesting is that nowhere in the Brief Summary that was released, is the term LENR used. They talk about a “new exothermic reaction between nano-metals and hydrogen” (which is what LENR is all about), but the “n” word is conspicuously absent.
Regardless of the terms used, it seems to me that it is clear now that the Japanese government, through NEDO, is now sponsoring a serious LENR research program. They have some of the nation’s top universities involved, as well as the auto giant Nissan Motors, and according the report issues, they are encouraged by their results and are already looking ahead to how they can implement this technology. From the report:
Information survey in over sea USA and European countries has been done. Trends of research studies was picked up by participating international meetings as ICCF20 (the 20th International Conference of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science) Sendai 2016 and IWAHLM12 (the 12th International Workshop for Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals) Italy 2017. Survey of Russian activity was done by Nissan Motors Co. Activity in this field is now growing up worldwide. H(D)-gas loading method is now the major experimental approach in the world. However research grades in over sea groups at present do not look so high as providing highly accurate excess heat data with good reproducibility. Our progress in this MHE project seems going much ahead in the world.
Foreseeing the industrial applicability, road-map study was made by our joint-team to draw the realization of industrial devices in 5-10 years later. Direct usage devices of excess heat for warming EV cars and family rooms as well as electric power devices with thermos-electric conversion systems are looked for realization in 10-20 years later.
In other words, the Japanese team thinks that after looking at the state of research in the LENR field, that their own program is superior to others out there, and they see their progress as being significant. For decades now people have been discouraged by the lack of resources being put behind LENR research. It appears that Japan is now taking LENR very seriously and has taken the lead in establishing a national research program. Japan has a strong track record in technological development, and the fact that are already in the planning stages for LENR industrialization and commercialization could be a very significant development in the field. No doubt other countries and organizations will begin to take notice, spurring competition and further research.