Rossi: “Progressing at Exponential Speed These Days”

Five days ago Andrea Rossi was asked on the Journal of Nuclear Physics what chances he gave for getting the industrial E-Cats on the market in 2018, and his reply was “70 %”. Just yesterday when asked the same question he stated: “Today I think between 80 and 90%.”

I asked him what had changed his level of confidence and he replied:

Andrea Rossi
February 15, 2018 at 8:02 AM
Frank Acland:
I am progressing at an exponential speed in these days, because issues that needed months to be resolved a couple of months ago now need less time. I give you a model from Dan Brown: to pass from the discovery of fire to the invention of wheel has taken millions years, but to pass from the invention of the wheel to the invention of an internal combustion engine it has taken thousands of years, and so on.
Obviously I can be wrong and find some unforeseen obstacle, by I am optimist: if you are not an optimist guy, you cannot be either an inventor or an enterpreneur, while I am both.
Warm Regards,

It does sound like the really hard work of inventing, testing and all the other R&D necessary for building an acceptable prototype (for the first product) has been accomplished, and now the focus is on getting ready for production.

Also, Rossi wrote this yesterday when asked where he expected the presentation of the first industrial E-Cat product would take place:

Andrea Rossi
February 14, 2018 at 7:17 PM
As things have developed now, I think the first presentation of the product will be made in the USA.
Warm Regards,