Anti-Reverse Engineering System ‘Has Revolutionized’ Rossi’s Commercial Strategy

I think that Andrea Rossi’s announcement that he has what he considers to be a system to make reverse engineering ‘practically impossible’ (he qualified it a bit from ‘impossible’) is highly significant. Rossi stated today that this breakthrough “has revolutionized our commercial strategy.”

The way I see it is if Rossi’s fear of having his technology copied is diminished, then he is going to be less protective and restrictive in the distribution of E-Cats, and reduce the need for putting security systems in place that would consume time and expense.

I asked a few more questions about the issue today:

Frank Acland
March 6, 2018 at 7:44 AM
Dear Andrea,

1. Will the new anti-reverse engineering system change your estimated production timeline?
2. Will it make E-Cats more expensive?
3. Will it make E-Cats more dangerous?
4. Will it make E-Cat dissemination faster?
5. Will it mean that plant owners will be able to change their own e-cats (like we replace printer cartridges for example)?

Andrea Rossi
March 6, 2018 at 8:16 AM
Frank Acland:
1- No
2- No
3- No
4- Probably yes
5- Yes
Warm Regards,

Regarding my question 5 above, just a few weeks ago Rossi stated that the refueling of E-Cats would have to be done by authorized technicians. So now it sounds like people could order their replacement E-Cat modules like they would order batteries, fuel canisters, light bulbs, etc., and install them themselves which would simplify things greatly and certainly be less expensive in terms of labor costs. If the E-Cat really did become used widely Rossi would have had to build a huge network of certified technicians, the costs of which would have ultimately been borne by the customer, and passed on to the end user of energy.

If the E-Cat hits the market, I don’t doubt that people will try very hard to figure out exactly how it works. Rossi may ultimately be wrong in his estimation that reverse engineering will be impossible, but it sounds like he is comfortable enough with the system they have developed to take a risk on it.