One of the presentations at the recent ICCF-21 conference was by Edward J. Beiting of the Aerospace Corporation, a California nonprofit research and development center. The title of his presentation was “Investigation of the Nickel-Hydrogen Anomalous Heat Effect”
Dr Beiting’s full report has now been uploaded to the website here:
Here is an excerpt from the abstract of the presentation from the ICCF-21 summary posted here on the Cold Fusion Community website.
An apparatus was built that comprised identical test and a reference heated cells. These thermally isolated cells each contained two thermocouples and a 10 cm3 volume of ZrO2NiPd particles. Calibration functions to infer thermal power from temperature were created by electrically heating the filled cells with known powers when they were either evacuated or pressurized with 1 bar of N2. During the experimental trial, the test cell was pressurized with hydrogen and the control cell was pressurized with nitrogen. After conditioning the cells, both were heated to near 300°C for a period of 1000 hours (40 days). During this period, the test cell registered 7.5% more power (approximately 1 W) than the input power. The control cell measured approximately 0.05 W of excess power. The error in the excess power measurement was ±0.05 W.