Nuclear Reaction from Electrolysis in Li2SO4 Solution in Either H2O or D2O Upon Either Pd or Ni (Axil Axil)

The following comment was posted by Axil Axil:

John C Fisher has done an experiment almost identical to the current JohnyFive experiment.

[Oriani, R.A. and J.C. Fisher. Energetic Charged Particles Produced in the Gas Phase by Electrolysis. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA: This paper was presented atthe 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion.]

It showed that a LENR active agent was lifted in the steam coming from an electrolysis LENR experiment and catalyzed a LENR cluster reaction producing loads of alpha emissions in a spherical distribution eliminating from a central pinpoint location. This reaction was shown using a plastic detector.

This experiment shows what is termed “Strange radiation” and IMHO, the LENR active agent is an Ultra dense material…most likely lithium.

IMHO, the ultra dense lithium is resting on or is trapped in the surface fibers of the paper. It is generating continuous LENR reactions. Holmild sees this behavior in his experiments. This LENR activity of this ultra dense molecule can be increased if an ultraviolet light source is placed on that ultra dense matter (UDM). Any strong UV light source might increase the LENR activity of the UDM. Holmlid says that his florescent lab lights activate his UDM into increase activity.

Shower of etch pits on a detector chip supported in air under a nickel cathode. The width of the image is approximately 2mm. Arrows indicate the directions in which charged particles impinged on the chip. The electrolyte was Li2SO4 in H2O. (The virgin chip was etched before beginning the experiment to reveal pre-existing particle tracks. During the following etch they grew to twice the diameter of the experimental pits and can be distinguished by their large size.)

The pattern of particle emissions from a central point indicate that a singular causative agent is the source of the radiation.

Axil Axil