Florida Board of Professional Engineers Complains Against Rossi – Case is Closed after Investigation

Sam posted a file on the Journal of Nuclear Physics which documents a complaint made against Andrea Rossi/Leonardo Corporation by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE) in June 2018 because they believed Rossi was “providing engineering services without the professional license or certification required by Florida law”. Rossi was sent a Cease and Desist notice to stop providing engineering service.

The complaint stated that if Rossi was installing E-Cats in Florida, he needed a permit, and there had been no permit issued to him there.

The documents in the file show the correspondence between Rossi and the investigator for the FBPE which ultimately ended up with the case being closed based on Rossi’s response to the complaint.

Through the course of reading the documents some details are revealed by Rossi that he has not mentioned previously.

He states in one email: “Presently we do not have requests from Clients in Florida and this is the reason for which we are still unknown to your office, but as soon as we will have a request from Florida, I will comply with all the instructions contained in the letter that you mailed to me . . . Presently we have on course two important requests from two Clients: one in Illinois, one in California and in both cases there is an engineer certified in the due State that is taking care of the necessary permissions.”

Another thing that he mentions is that he had a “complicate surgery” in Italy on July 10th which would require him not to talk or read for 10 days. Later on he states that the surgery was a success and the pain was over.

All the documents in the case can be found at this link (thanks to Sam)


Rossi’s response to the document posted by Sam is this:

Andrea Rossi
September 29, 2018 at 8:07 AM
A troll sent to the Engineer Association a claim saying I am making without authorization the profession of engineer.
The association of the engineers of Florida asked me to refrain from making so.
Upon their request, I certified that I never have offered services as a professional engineer and obviously that I never have made the profession of Engineer in Florida and never offered or will offer my services as a consultant of engineering . They closed the case after due investigation.
Warm Regards,