Rossi: E-Cat ‘Cold’ at 24000K Compared to Nuclear Fusion

Here’s exchange between Joseph Fine and Andrea Rossi from the Journal of Nuclear Physics today.

It is following up on statements from Rossi where he says that their main focus is to obtain a wavelength in the E-Cat SK plasma of between 430 and 440 nm, which he has equated to temperatures of around 6900 °C, and having reached a peak peak temperature of 24000 K.

Joseph Fine
October 24, 2018 at 4:51 PM
Dear Andrea Rossi, Scientist:
A peak temperature of 24,000 K is very high. It should not be called ‘Cold’. (Except compared to the Solar Corona.)
Thermal regards,
Joseph Fine

Andrea Rossi
October 25, 2018 at 5:38 AM
Dr Joseph Fine:
It is still cold, compared to the millions of Kelvin you need for the nuclear fusion. ITER and others are talking of hundred millions K and this is why they will never succeed, because it is impossible confine reliably such temperatures with an unavoidably unstable magnetic field, on a so big surface. Consider that a contact at this T even for a fraction of second between the plasma and any material would instantly sublimate the material the reactor is built with, whatever you use.
Warm Regards,

I am sure that many engineers working in the fusion industry would disagree with his statement about it being impossible to “confine reliably such temperatures with an unavoidably unstable magnetic field”. Tokomak Energy, a private British fusion company, announced earlier this year that they had reached temperatures of 15 million degrees in its ST40 reactor (see:, and their next 2018 target is to reach 100 million degrees – the temperature needed to fuse charged deuterium and tritium particles.

However Tokomak Energy admits on its website that this is a very difficult task:

“The temperatures needed for efficient fusion to occur are over 100 million degrees and confining and controlling the immensely hot, sometimes unstable plasma, is a complicated task.

“Very sophisticated systems are required to manipulate the plasma and after decades of research tokamaks can nearly produce and sustain the plasma conditions needed for efficient fusion to occur.”

If the E-Cat SK actually works, and can be clearly demonstrated to do so, it seems it would be a much cheaper, cooler and less complicated means of producing energy, and may cause a re-assessment in the fusion industry.