Rossi: E-Cat SK Turns On and Off via Thermostat ‘Like Any Normal Heating System’

There are some interesting questions and comments on the Journal of Nuclear Physics regarding the temperature regulation of the E-Cat SK. According to Andrea Rossi, the SK has a thermostat for the SK, meaning that the E-Cat can turn on and off as with any typical heater that is set to operate within a certain temperature range.

Greg Leonard
December 13, 2018 at 6:57 AM
Daer AR,
It sounds, from your answer to Bernie Morrissey, that your factory SK is operating in much the same way as any central heating system.
Is the SK being fully turned off when the thermostat clicks off, and then restarted when the thermostat clicks on?
What sort of timescales does the SK use for its turning off and on again?

Looking forward eagerly to your January demonstration.
Greg Leonard

Andrea Rossi
December 13, 2018 at 9:26 AM
Greg Leonard:
Yes, it turns off at T2 and on at T1, like in a normal heating system, we use stuff off the shelf for these functions. The timing depends on the delta T in the specific operational system.
Warm Regards,

Italo R.
December 13, 2018 at 8:03 AM
Dear Dr. Rossi,

you said that a thermostat is used to keep constant the factory temperature, because the amount of heat provided by your plant is higher than that needed to compensate for the heat loss to the outside. I ask:

1) – Does the thermostat gradually adjust (up or down) the output power proportionally according to the amount of heat required? Or:

2) – Is it ON-OFF type? In this case, when it is OFF, the system is switched OFF in no time, and when it is ON, the system is put back into 100% operation.
How long is it necessary for the plant to return full operating? Instantly, a few seconds, or how much time?.

Andrea Rossi
December 13, 2018 at 9:21 AM
Italo R.:
Same behavior as in normal heaters, there is a short integral transitory.
Warm Regards,

Taking Andrea Rossi at face value here, it sounds like the control system has developed to a degree that turning the reaction on and off is a straightforward affair now. I recall in early versions of the E-Cat, this was not the case, and that would make the reactor more problematic to deal with in a heating system.