I received the following from John Brandenburg
Attached is an abstract of a theory I will be discussing at the upcoming IEEE LENR workshop in Madison WI on Jan 31 2019. The theory is conjectural at this stage,but is based on well established work in hadron particle physics and my own recent work on a “Bohr Model” of field unification called the GEM theory, where it appears a long-range branch of Strong Force is possible.
The Pomeroid Model of LENR
J.E. Brandenburg, Kepler Aerospace
The phenomena of LENR, particularly the evidence for fusion reactions at much lower temperatures, but
much higher densities, than that seen normally in plasmas, can possibly be explained by a long-observed
long-range “branch” of the Strong Interaction seen in particle experiments, called a “Pomeron.”
Pomerons are photon-like meson particles proposed to explain the much higher than expected cross-
section for proton-proton scattering. Their presence was observed early in low energy experiments
involving colliding beams and grew in importance as energy was increased. Unlike conventional Pion
mediated Strong interactions, which drop off rapidly at distance greater than a nucleon radius ( 1.4 fm) and energies greater than a few GeV the Pomeron interaction appears to carry the Strong interaction to much larger distances and to increase dramatically at energies greater than 10 GeV. The Pomeron can
now be explained in terms of QCD as a quark-antiquark pair, a meson, forming from a high energy
photon. The creation of a Pomeron-like meson field in a region with two protons or a proton and
neutron can be expected to create a Strong Nuclear force forcing the particles together even if they are separated by much farther than many nucleon radii. However, in order for this to happen, in present
Pomeron Theory, (1) virtual high energy photons from the Quantum ZPF (Zero Point Fluctuation) will
have to Delbruck scatter (2) off of virtual photons making up the Coulomb fields of the protons. This
bizarre photon-photon scattering mechanism appears possible at significant rates due to the high
density of high energy photons in the ZPF and increased cross section of photon-photon scattering with
energy(3). It would create LENR also when connected with very high local densities of hydrogen seen in
local crystal defects in LENR materials. In addition, the phenomena of the Strong interaction being due
to Pion fields, created between protons, coming about due to ZPF photons scattering off of the
Coulombic self-energy photons near the protons, is already a model that yields the Pion masses
straightforwardly from the GEM unification theory (4), and suggests that the Pomeron is simply a high
energy branch of the conventional Strong nuclear force. Therefore, the Pomeron may provide a means
of generating a long-range branch of the nuclear force to explain LENR observations, however, such a
model requires that high energy virtual phenomenon can have dramatic effects on low energy
phenomena, connecting LENR with such exotic subjects as Dark Energy in the Cosmos.
(1) https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/9808486.pdf
(2) M. Schumacher, Rad. Phys. Chem. 56 (1999) 101.
(3) https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.6126
(4) http://www.jmess.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/JMESSP13420148.pdf