Thanks to Max Nozin for referencing a new patent application (published February 7th, 2019) filed by Google Inc. and the University of Maryland, College Park on Aug 3, 2017.
The title is “Enhanced Electron Screening Through Plasmon Oscillations”.
Here is the abstract:
Enhanced Coulomb repulsion screening around light element nuclei is achieved by way of utilizing electromagnetic (EM) radiation to induce plasmon oscillations in target structures (e.g., nanoparticles) in a way that produces high density electron clouds in localized regions of the target structures, thereby generating charge density variations around light element atoms located in the localized regions. Each target structure includes an electrically conductive body including light elements (e.g., a metal hydride/deuteride/tritide) that is configured to undergo plasmon oscillations in response to the applied EM radiation. The induced oscillations causes free electrons to converge in the localized region, thereby producing transient high electron charge density levels that enhance Coulomb repulsion screening around light element (e.g., deuterium) atoms located in the localized regions. Various systems capable of implementing enhanced Coulomb repulsion screening are described, and various nanostructure compositions and configurations are disclosed that serve to further enhance fusion reaction rates.
The term ‘high density electron clouds’ is familiar in connection with the E-Cat. Rossi’s recent paper “E-Cat SK and long range particle interactions” starts with this sentence in the abstract: “Some theoretical frameworks that explore the possible formation of dense exotic electron clusters in E-Cat SK are presented.”
The Google/U of Maryland Patent talks about ‘low energy fission’ in the ‘Field of Invention’ section:
The present invention relates specifically to the generation of the light-Nuclei elements (LNEs) Lithium, Beryllium and Boron by the process of low energy fission, breaking down, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen (CNOs) with the introduction of instability to the CNOs heavy stable isotopes through the application high-frequency radio waves at the NMR frequency, in the presence of a strong magnetic field, of the targeted source material.