2019 Cold Fusion [LANR] Colloquium at MIT, March 23-24

Thanks to JohnO for letting me know about this upcoming event. Information comes from this link: http://world.std.com/~mica/2019colloq.html from the Cold Fusion Times website.

The 2019 Cold Fusion [LANR] Colloquium at MIT
Come help us celebrate the 30th anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion
Cold fusion = LANR (Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions)

When/Where: Sat., March 23, , and Sun. Mar. 24, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

The 2019 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT marks the 30th anniversary of the initial CF announcement. This Colloquium is also one of a series of Scientific and Engineering Colloquia discussing Cold Fusion, its theory, physics, electrochemistry, material science, metallurgy, and electrical engineering.

These Colloquia have been organized for more than a decade by JET Energy Incorporated and the Energy Production and Energy Conversion Group at MIT, with additional support of our colleagues involved in the study of lattice assisted nuclear reactions.

Our goal is to increase excellence of science and engineering and improved public awareness of the development of this important field.

The organizing theme in 2019 involves the actual scientific and engineering “road” from achieving the hydrided lattices in nickel and palladium and similar metals, to releasing the desired Excess Energy.

Tentative speakers include
Peter Hagelstein
Mitchell Swartz
Thomas Claytor
Mel Miles
George Miley (via assoc.)
Yasuhiro Iwamura
Hideki Yoshino
Francesco Celani
Fran Tanzella
David Nagel
Steven Katinsky
Louis Dechiaro
Robert Smith, Jr
Brian Ahern
Florian Meltzer
Thomas Dolan
Thomas Grimshaw
and more

More information here: http://world.std.com/~mica/2019colloq.html

Map of MIT here: http://whereis.mit.edu/

Poster sessions can share valued experience, findings,
data,&etc. on this important subject. and get great feedback.
If interested in submitting poster/paper, send the subject title, abstract paper or poster to
[email protected] More details will then follow
and A cash award will be given to the best poster.
