Journal Article: “Tunneling Effect Enhanced by Pd Screening as Main LENR Mechanism: A Brief Theoretical Impression”

Thanks to Jonas Matuzas for providing this reference to a new article published in the Journal of Energy and Power Engineering:
Title: “Tunneling Effect Enhanced by Pd Screening as Main LENR Mechanism: A Brief Theoretical Impression”
Author: Frisone Fulvio
Department of Physics, University of Catania, Via Santa Sofia 64, I-95123 Catania, Italy
In this paper the main features of tunneling travelling are illustrated between two deuterons
within a lattice. Considering the  screening  effect  due  to  lattice  electrons  we  compared  the  d-d  fusion  rate  evaluated  from  different  authors  assuming  different screening  efficiency  and  different  d-d  potentials.  Then,  we  proposed  an  effective  potential  which  describes  very  well  the  attractive
contribution due to plasmon exchange between two deuterons and by means of it wewill compute the d-d fusion rates for different energy values.

Reference: Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 13 (2019) 59-67

doi: 10.17265/1934-8975/2019.02.002