Analysis of the presentation of E-Cat SK on 31 January 2019 (Valeriy Zatelepin)

Many thanks to reader Maya Todorova for providing the following translation of a video published by
Russian physicist Valeriy Zatelepin analyzes the E-Cat SK presentation of Andrea Rossi from 31 January 2019

Video in Russian, from 50:40 until 1:01:31

Analysis of the presentation of E-Cat SK on 31 January 2019
Valeriy Zatelepin
INLEAS Laboratory, Moscow

We have written a large article about the auto-oscillating process. It shall be published in the Proceedings of the 25th Russian conference, which took place in Adler in the last year, we have reported there this work.

Very important are not only the parameters of the plasma, but also the parameters of the supplying electrodes.

The common solution of the equations system which describes the current flow in the electrodes and in the plasma allows to come to the conclusion that there can exist very high frequency oscillating operating modes.

Transformation of the ideas in the last 7 years

Formerly (in the right column on the picture):
It was considered:
nickel powder, hydrogen, hydrogenation, heating through outer current,
and the ideology about nuclear reactions.

Typical temperature: 600 С
СОР = 3
Now (in the right column on the picture):
There is no information about powder.
Hydrogen ?
There is no discussion about nuclear reactions,
there is only discussion about electromagnetic processes with electrons.
Plasma discharge
Building of electron clusters
T ~ 8000 С
СОР = 10^7

My correspondence with Rossi about the hydrogen. As I started to analyze the presentation… he says nothing about if he uses hydrogen or not. So I wrote to him asking if he uses hydrogen. 6 minutes later he answered: Yes!

So could look like the block diagram of the E-Cat SK. This is the reactor, Rossi cools it in a chamber, where argon is circulating and the argon cools the reactor. In a heat exchanger the argon has to transfer his heat to the air, which then heats the room.

Possible flow chart of the heat generating element of the E-Cat SK.
Flow of the currents and the possible reactor arrangement. Anode, cathode, discharge … somehow in the hydrogen medium a discharge takes place. On the right (in the picture): the typical photo of this discharge. We conclude that there occurs a very high frequency process. Mister Rossi mentions nothing about it. You can not imagine how high is this frequency of 10^12.


This isn’t a stationary process, we see this looking at the oscillogram of the typical current flow.
We see these constant pulsing emissions. Here is 1 milisecond between two vertical lines, along the axis, such is the sweep of the oscillograph.

I.e. there is a very high frequency… Even the oscillograph can not sweep… Each bar… If there would be an oscillograph which could sweep, we would see that there occur incredible things. Such typical images we have seen on our oscillograms about what occurs in our reactor.

Spectrum of the plasma radiation in the E-Cat SK, determination of the plasma temperature.
I analyze the spectrums which Rossi has recorded in the optical range.

He came to the conclusion that he has 8000 C and concluded about the energy. In my opinion he made a mistake of 5 and possibly of 10 times regarding the energy.

Criticism regarding the estimation of the temperature and of the thermal power
A nonstandard methodology is used. And there he made a mistake most likely in the blackness and most likely in the brightness temperature, which led to a 5 and possibly to a 10 times error regarding the energy.

He doesn’t measure it. Although he can measure it, but for some reason he doesn’t measure it, but calculates it.

The frequencies registered in the presentation don’t cover an important range
Here is the scale of the electromagnetic waves. With the oscillograph Rossi measures here in the range of 1 MHz possibly until 10 MHz. An optical spectrometer is working, here is the optical range of frequency 10^15.And there is a gamma detector in the range of 10^20.

But the most important range from 10^8 until 10^12, about we talk in this auto-oscillating mode, this range isn’t covered by Rossi through any measuring devices. He possibly suspects that there is something, but he doesn’t measure anything there. And there are the most interesting processes.

Electrical flow chart of the reactor in auto-oscillating mode.

When you apply voltage, here is some resistance and so the energy is emmited on ?… and we gain a power. We have developed an electrical flow chart, which necessarily includes also capacitors and inductances and an additional resistance. Which shows that here a high frequency process can occur, which generates the energy. You simply don’t measure it.

Condition for the start of an auto-oscillating heating in discharge.

Here we derived a relation… When we achieve a certain electron density, then the frequency of the processes in the supplying electrodes and the frequency of the processes in the plasma (simply of the Langmuir oscillations) shall coincide, it shall be a resonance and then starts…. this is the condition for the start of the auto-oscillating mode.

Estimating of the concentrations of the free charges Ne

[Calculations shown in the video]

The process of the heat generation in E-Cat: auto-oscillating heating of the plasma.

Our understanding is that the main heat generation process is auto-oscillating heating of the plasma due to the outer electromagnetic field.

There are also interesting processes, we have spoken today about them, but Mr. Rossi doesn’t give any information about them in his presentation.