Rossi More Optimistic Now About the Domestic E-Cat Because it is ‘Much Easier to Control’

Andrea Rossi had posted recently on the Journal of Nuclear Physics that he hoped that the safety certification for domestic versions of the E-Cat SKL could be completed by April 2020, and that it was “not impossible” that domestic E-Cats could be on the market by November 2020.

This is quite a different outlook from Rossi’s projections about domestic versions of earlier iterations of the E-Cat. In the past he stated that it would take a long time for them to be certified and that industrial E-Cats would need to be operating for a long time before domestic products could be introduced.

So there’s quite a big change in the outlook. I asked a couple of questions on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about this. The first question is an adaptation of a question from John Oman here on ECW:

Frank Acland
December 4, 2019 at 10:16 AM
Dear Andrea,

You said that you hoped that certification for household SKLs will be certified by April 2020. This means that it will need to be submitted to likes of CE, UL, CSA, etc.

1. Can you say when the SKL was or will be submitted for their evaluation?
2. In the past you have said that certification for household use of your old E-Cats would take a long, long time. Why are you more optimistic for speedy certification of the SKL?

Andrea Rossi
December 6, 2019 at 8:20 AM
Frank Acland:
1 on course
2 much easier to control
Warm Regards

‘On course’ is a favorite Rossi phrase. I think it means here that the process is underway but it is quite unclear at what stage. I think it’s interesting that Rossi states that the SKL is much easier to control. It implies that earlier versions of the E-Cat were difficult to control, and perhaps that is why he has spent so much time and effort into developing the SKL.

So I think this could be considered good news for many of us who from the very beginning have been hoping for an E-Cat in our homes. However I think it’s always prudent to be realistic and not get ahead of ourselves. Politically, sociologically and economically speaking, there would be huge implications if people could simply generate the power they needed from a home device not connected to the grid. For example, utilities would be devastated by such a development and we have seen in various jurisdictions there have been moves by utilities to put barriers in the way of people wanting get off the grid, or reduce dependency on the grid through the use of solar panels on their homes.