Excess Heat Production Reported in New Mizuno Replication (Hokkaido University of Science)

Jed Rothwell has posted an updated paper on LENR-CANR website which reports how Dr. S. Saito and two assistants at Hokkaido University of Science in Japan have measured excess heat in a replication of the Mizuno Nickel-Palladium experiment.


Here is a quote and image from the paper:

Figure 4 shows the results of an excess heat test. By coincidence, the total heat measured in
the air flow is about the same as input power; around 500 W. (In other words, the blue line
happens to reach the orange line.) However, as shown in the calibration, if there were no excess
heat, the blue line would be lower, at 350 W instead, so the reaction is producing about 150 W.

At 8,000 s, the heat increases abruptly, even though input power is stable. At 35,000 s heat
increases to ~510 W, above the orange line, and then falls back at 40,000 s, even though there is
no change in input power. Such perturbations never occur during stable calibrations, so the
increased power comes from a reaction, rather than input power.

Figure 4. Input and output power during an excess heat test