Paper: “Lattice Dilation of Plasma Sprayed Nickel Film Quantified by High Resolution Terahertz Imaging” (Rahman, Tanzella, Rahman, Page and Godes)

Thanks to LION for posting a link to this article by Anis Rahman, Francis Tanzella, Aunik K Rahman, Carl Page and Robert Godes, titled “Lattice Dilation of Plasma Sprayed Nickel Film Quantified by High Resolution Terahertz Imaging”.

From the Conclusion section:

A model has been proposed for explaining the increased heat energy generation from IPB-HHT experiment with the LENR tube cells. Here the fluid-like nickel lattice at higher temperatures, and under the influence of an RF electric field, is assumed to undergo a space-time crystal like non-equilibrium effect; and thus, producing increased energy via a non-radiative transition process. An in-situ monitoring of the IPB-HHT experiment has been proposed to determine the correlation between the excess energy generation period and the observed lattice dilation.

