In a new video, Bob Greenyer has introduced a new MFMP project called “. The MFMP has taken ownership of the BN2000 and is preparing to begin testing with it.
A project document has been created here:
The project mission as described in the document:
” To repair, test and reverse engineer a genuine Brown Gas generator of the type used to demonstrate remediation of radio-nuclides and to establish facts about the operation of this device, its parameters and its capabilities.”
In the video Bob explains the scope of the project, introduces the team members (himself, Alan Goldwater and Slobodan Stankovic), and makes an appeal for help. He says the most pressing need is for help from someone who has experience and relevant skills in disassembling and reverse engineering the logic in the 2764 EEProm which is attached to a 8031 processer.
They also are looking for financial support to reimburse the systems engineer, and other expenses of the project.