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More from Rossi on the Physics Behind the E-Cat

How does Andrea Rossi achieve a claimed self-sustaining 5 kW of power (4 kW electricity and 1 kW of heat) from a cube 20 x 20 x 20 cm (most of which he says comprises a passive cooling system) from a miniscule amount of fuel when almost all physicists would say it is impossible?

In previous comments regarding the mechanism behind the E-Cat, Rossi has talked about zero point gravity, Aharonov-Bohm effect, the Casimir effect and zitterbewegung (German for “jittery motion”). In the commment below, posted yesterday on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, he proposes a possible theoretical explanation:

Andrea Rossi
August 5, 2020 at 3:34 AM
In the cited reference 14 is proposed a “fundamental connection” between Aharonov-Bohm equations and an electron, based on a geomatric interpretation of the electron wave-function phase.
This approach suggests me that it is possible to create electron condensates exploiting the Aharonov-Bohm effect, caused by the dependence of the electron wave-function phase from electromagnrtic potentials, so that a voltage pulse with a due rise time may generate a variation of the Zitterbewegung of the electrons, an increase of the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the formation of clusters of electrons in coherence of phase, generating lower entropy and a consequent decrease of thermal capacity and freedom degrees, with energy transfer to electrons not in phase.
This is my opinion. It may be wrong, but the Ecat experiment may suggest it could be correct. This also could explain the absence of ionizing radiations and the energy gain.
Warm Regards,
See carefully the references 14, 7,9,2 on

Today he added this comment in response to a question about whether the environment allows for the production of resonances.

Andrea Rossi
August 6, 2020 at 2:39 AM
Those electrons configurations can generate, in presence of protons, compact neutral aggregates at a scale of 10^-12 m, between the atomic size and the nuclear size, made by a coherent chain of bosonic electrons with protons located in the center of the ZBV orbits. A criticalthreshold of the density of electrons is important for such a phenomenon and depends on the temperature of the cathod.
In this kind of environment the creation-annihilation of virtual particles is possible.
Warm Regards,

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