The EU-funded CleanHME project, which is seeking to develop technology for producing energy from hydrogen-metal and plasma systems held it’s kick-off event September 23-25at the University of Szczecin, Poland.
Videos from the event have been posted on the project’s website here:
The So far, only videos are available, with no separate papers or slideshows. There are several hours worth of video available, and I haven’t looked at them all yet. Below are a list of the speakers and the titles of their presentations.
Peter Hagelstein: History of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
Jirohta Kasagi: Present Status and Perspectives of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
Konrad Czerski: Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems – Problems to Solve
Pekka Peljo: HERMES project overview
Jean-Paul Biberian: Electrolysis experiments
Francesco Celani: Gas loading experiments with CuNi wires
Matej Lipoglavsek: Accelerator experiments
Marcin Jakubowski: Overview of Hot Nuclear Fusion technology
Jacques Ruer: Energy Production Policy