Thanks to Teppo for reminding us that 23rd International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-23) starts tomorrow, June 9th, 2021 and continues until June 11th
It is an online conference this year, originating from Xiamen University in Xiamen China, hosted by Innovation Laboratory for Sciences and Technologies of Energy Materials of Fujian Province (IKKEM), and the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces.
Registration is free.
List of speakers is below:
Presentation ID | Title | Theme | Abstract /Presentation | Presenter |
ICCF23-PL-01 | A perspective from the Google group | Material Studies | To be continued | Matthew D. Trevithick |
ICCF23-PL-02 | Ternary hydrides | Material Studies | Abstract | Ping Chen |
ICCF23-PL-03 | Progress in Energy Generation Research using Nano-Metal with Hydrogen/Deuterium Gas | Heat Production | Abstract | Yasuhiro Iwamura |
ICCF23-PL-04 | Progress in Nano-Metal Hydrogen Energy | Heat Production | Abstract | Akito Takahashi |
ICCF23-PL-05 | Conventional Fusion in an Unconventional Place | Radiation and Other Measurements | Abstract | Lawrence P. Forsley |
ICCF23-PL-06 | Some Novel Analytical Techniques Applied to LENR Active Materials | Material Studies | Abstract | Francis Tanzella |
ICCF23-PL-07 | Huge Variety of Nuclides that Arise in the LENR Processes. Attempt at Explanation | Transmutations | Abstract | Alex G. Parkhomov |
ICCF23-PL-08 | Recent progress on phonon-nuclear theoretical models | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Peter L. Hagelstein |
ICCF23-PL-09 | The Nature of the D+D Fusion Reaction in Palladium and Nickel | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Edmund Storms |
ICCF23-PL-10 | Experimental setup for studying Rydberg matter of Hydrogen | Theoretical and Computational Studies | To be continued | Sveinn Ólafsson |
Invited Presentation:
Presentation ID | Title | Theme | Abstract /Presentation | Presenter |
ICCF23-I-01 | Progress towards replication; revisited | Approaches to Replication | Abstract | Michael McKubre |
ICCF23-I-02 | A Lattice Energy Converter | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Frank Gordon |
ICCF23-I-03 | Direct measurement confirming Generation of Excess Heat | Heat Production | Abstract | Prahlada Ramarao |
ICCF23-I-04 | Ultr-high Density Cluster Enabled LENR | Heat Production | Abstract | George Miley |
ICCF23-I-05 | Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems(CleanHME) | Approaches to Replication | Abstract | Konrad Czerski |
ICCF23-I-06 | Plasmonic Condensed Matter Nuclear Fusion | Material Studies | Abstract | Katsuaki Tanabe |
ICCF23-I-07 | Laser induced transmutation in palladium thin films in hydrogen atmosphere | Transmutations | Abstract | Jean-Paul Biberian |
ICCF23-I-08 | Electrodeposition of Hydrogen Adatoms on Graphene | Electrochemical Experiments | Abstract | Dong-Ping Zhan |
ICCF23-I-09 | Hydrogen isotope separation through two-dimensional crystals | Material Studies | Abstract | Sheng Hu |
ICCF23-I-10 | Input Stimuli and Output Signals in LENR Experiments | Radiation and Other Measurements | Abstract | David Nagel |
ICCF23-I-11 | Review of Cavitation Induced Effects | Radiation and Other Measurements | Abstract | Roger S. Stringham |
ICCF23-I-12 | Early Excess Power Using NRL Pd-B Cathodes | Heat Production | Abstract | Melvin H. Miles |
ICCF23-I-13 | Excess heats in a Pd(Pt)-LiOD+D2O reflux open-electrolytic cell | Electrochemical Experiments | Abstract | Wu-Shou Zhang |
ICCF23-I-14 | Electromagnetic excitation of coaxially-coiled Constantan wires by high-power, high-voltage, microsecond pulses | Material Studies | Abstract | Francesco Celani |
ICCF23-I-15 | Decay-Instability of Transmutated Chemical Elements Obtained in LENR Experiment | Transmutations | Abstract | Anatoly Klimov |
ICCF23-I-16 | CF/LANR Excess Heat Activates Shape Memory Alloys | Heat Production | Abstract | Mitchell R. Swartz |
ICCF23-I-17 | Radiant calorimetry of excess heat production in NiCu multilayer foil with hydrogen gas | Radiation and Other Measurements | Abstract | Jirohta Kasagi |
ICCF23-I-18 | The Electromagnetic Considerations of the Nuclear Force, Part II: The Determination the Lowest Energy Configurations for Nuclei | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | N. L. Bowen |
ICCF23-I-19 | A role for relativity in Cold Fusion | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Andrew Meulenberg |
ICCF23-I-20 | Abnormal enhancement of nuclear reaction in extreme environments studied by ion beam experiments | Beam Experiments | To be continued | Tie-Shan Wang |
ICCF23-I-21 | Can the collective emission of the excited surface phonon trigger low-energy nuclear reactions? | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Song-Yuan Ding |
ICCF23-I-22 | Excess Energy from Heat-Exchange Systems | Transmutations | Abstract | Bin-Juine Huang |
Oral Presentation:
Presentation ID | Title | Theme | Abstract /Presentation | Presenter |
ICCF23-O-01 | Long Term Anomalous Heat from 9 nm Pd Nanoparticles in an Electrochemical Cell | Heat Production | Abstract | Graham Hubler |
ICCF23-O-02 | Temperature and pressure dependence of anomalous heat generation occurring in hydrogen gas absorption by metal powder | Hot Gas Experiments | Abstract | Tomotaka Kobayashi |
ICCF23-O-03 | Progress of Reproducing the Mizuno’s Experiment in QiuRan Lab | Heat Production | Abstract | Hang Zhang |
ICCF23-O-04 | The Nature of the Atom – An Introduction to the Structured Atom Model | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | Johannes Kaal |
ICCF23-O-05 | Nuclear transmutations are better facilitated by alloys over pure metal cathodes in electrolysis. | Electrochemical Experiments | Abstract | Ankit Kumar |
ICCF23-O-06 | Artificial radioactivity in the nonequlibrium plasma of the glow discharge in Pd-D and Ni-H from the point of view of nuclear-chemical reactions | Transmutations | Abstract | Irina Savvatimova |
ICCF23-O-07 | Where and How LENR Occur | Approaches to Replication | Abstract | David Nagel |
ICCF23-O-08 | Phonon Assisted Fusion | Theoretical and Computational Studies | Abstract | S Dana Seccombe |
ICCF23-O-09 | Correlated quantum states in LENR: first exciting results from an experimental test | Beam Experiments | Abstract | Sergio Bartalucci |
ICCF23-O-10 | LENR Solution of the Cosmological Lithium Problem | Transmutations | Abstract | Vladimir Vysotskii |
ICCF23-O-11 | Abnormal absorption of hydrogen in nickel at ambient temperature with associated emission of neutrons | Radiation and Other Measurements | Abstract | Ubaldo Mastromatteo |
ICCF23-O-12 | Atomic Nuclei Binding Energy Similarities between Binding Energy Values of Chemical Elements : Example of Nickel and Copper | Modeling and Simulation | Abstract | Philippe Hatt |
ICCF23-O-13 | Error Analysis in D(H)/Pd Gas-loading System | Heat Production | Abstract | Xing-Ye Wang |
ICCF23-O-14 | Spectro-electrochemical characterization of ultra-thin film of Pd-H/D single-crystal electrode and Au@Pd nanoparticles | Material Studies | Abstract | Zhong-Qun Tian |