A quick note to E-Cat World readers:
I haven’t been updating the site very much recently because I been traveling lately doing some work connected with the Ecat presentation on December 9th. So far it has been very interesting, and in my opinion, encouraging in terms of the potential of the Ecat SKLed and the Ecat SKLep.
I won’t be able to provide specific comments until December 9th due to an embargo on information imposed by Andrea Rossi, but I do think there will be information presented that readers here will find interesting. I would just make a general comment that many things that I have been learning and witnessing are confirming things that Andrea has been reporting on the Journal of Nuclear Physics for a long time now.
I didn’t have doubts coming into this, but I am now convinced more than ever that the Ecat is a remarkable technology, with great potential. It will be interesting to see how things progress. Happy Thanksgiving to all ECW readers!