Rossi: 51000+ SKLep Preorders So Far (Dec 10, 2021)

Was the December 9th Ecat presentation a success or a flop? There are lots of opinions about that. To my mind, the main way that it could be judged a success or failure is whether or not it generates enough interest to meet the million preorder target (Ecats SKLep and SKLeds combined) that Andrea Rossi says will trigger production.

In one of the Q&As posted here yesterday, Rossi was asked whether he would provide a counter on his website of the number of preorders he had received; his reply was “not for now”

However, soon after, he answered a question on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about it:


On a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being totally confident, 0 being the opposite of totally confident) how confident are you that you will receive one million preorders before January 1, 2023?

Andrea Rossi

We can be very satisfied of the presentation so far.
In the first 24 hours from the presentation we received orders for more than 51000 SKLeps.
Not counting the (many) orders turned from SKLed to SKLep: the market is saying the SKLep is the point of the spear.
We also received the order cancellations from eight clients that have cancelled their orders for the SKLeds, for a total of 21 SKLeds: they said they are very disappointed of the presentation.
Warm Regards,

My expectation is that if he does reach the million unit target it will not be from individuals who might order a few at a time for personal use, but it will be from large customers who decide it is worth the risk to place large volume orders to see of this technology really is all that Rossi claims it to be.