MFMP Project XENO: “Replication of Potential EVO Powered Energy Generator”

The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has started a new live document called XENO which is described as a project devoted to the “replication of potential EVO powered energy generator”

Bob Greenyer made a video which he titled “Imperfect presentation to Russian Community On ECat SKLep” in which he summarizes what he thinks might be going on with the Ecat SKLep which Andrea Rossi demonstrated.

Here is a new video from Dave, a MFMP contributor. He provides this description:

“D3S Xenon headlight bulbs connected to my ORBIT transformer with the full bridge rectifier then series 3MOhms to a capacitor bank then another 3MOhms in series to the bulb.”

I am sure the MFMP team will welcome ideas and contributions from people interested in participating in this project.