New Version of Rossi Paper Describes Heating a Room with E-Cat Power

Last week Andrea Rossi announced that he had updated his ResearchGate paper, E-Cat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions (

I looked through the paper trying to find out what new information is in this latest update and at the end of the paper, the following E-Cat test is described, which I don’t believe was in the previous version:

The E-Cat has been installed in a laboratory of an industry in the State of Tennessee, in the USA, to keep warm a room that has a surface of 3000 sq.ft (about 300 sq.m.) and a height of 15 ft (about 5 m).

The temperature outside when we made the measurements was about 32 °F (0°C) and the temperature in the room was about 61°F (16°C). To keep this temperature it was used before a heater of about 20-22 kW.

In detail:

Fan flow rate: 5500 m3/h ≃ 6700 kg/h
delta T = 16 °C
Cp air = 0.17
W = 6700 x 0.17 x 16 = 18224 Kcal/h = 20.5 kW h/h

We also made a test with an air flow of 330m3/h and obtained a deltaT of 312°C.

Every 60 days of continued operation the E-Cat SK produces -as we can find with a simple extrapolation- 30000 kWh of heat, approximately the equivalent of 2600 kg of heating oil, therefore avoiding, at the same time, the emission of more than 8000 kg of CO2. Now, calling Einp the energy consumed by the control panel in one hour
Einp = 380 W h we can compute the average coefficient of performance (COP), as the ratio of output and input energies

COP = Eout / Einp ≈ 54