Thanks to Bob Greenyer for posting the following comments and links today which deal with testing that the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project are doing with palladium-activated nickel meshes that have been prepared by Tomáš Jędrzejek (previously known as me356).
Livestream experiment:
MESH – me356 Pd plasma coated Ni Mesh in Pd. Tomáš Jędrzejek AKA me356 produced Pd plasma coated Ni Mesh in Deuterium at elevated temperature.
Background videos:
MESH – Review of me356 treated Nickel mesh SEM & EDS analysis
The analysis of two samples of mesh (untreated and treated) provided by Tomáš Jędrzejek AKA me356 are discussed.
Download the SEM/EDS images and analysis here…
Here is the Cirrus 2 residual mass gas analysis data from the pre-run final calibration
Alan Goldwater discusses the derived calibration curves from many calibration runs derived for the Mizuno R20 style experiment that will be running 3 activated meshes supplied by Tomáš Jędrzejek AKA me356.
MESH – Loading me356 treated Nickel mesh into Mizuno R20-style reactor
This video shows how 3 Pd “activated” Ni meshes provided by Tomáš Jędrzejek AKA me356 were loaded into the Mizuno R20-style reactor.