Thanks to readers polygon and Sam for providing the following links:
In the following video, physicist Sabine Hossenfelder reviews a recent announcement of Indian startup Hylenr who recently announced that they had been successful in generating excess heat from a LENR device using hydrogen, nickel and palladium.
Hylenr claims that their system can consistently produce 1.5 amount of the energy than is input. See more below:
In her video, Sabine reviews the claims of Cold Fusion/LENR researchers in general. She does not doubt their findings but points out that there could be some problems in their claims.
She states: “The problem with just measuring the temperature is the following. They pump hydrogen into a vacuum chamber with two different materials. Hydrogen is the smallest atom of all and likes to infiltrate pretty much all materials. If it does so, it’ll slightly alter the lattice structure. This process is known as hydrogenation and, here it comes, it can release energy.”