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Plasmoid Power: Randall Carlson Discusses the Thunderstorm Generator

Thanks to an ECW reader for letting me know about a video from the Clarity Channel on YouTube in which researcher Randall Carlson discusses the Thunderstorm Generator and its implications for science and technology, and also society at large.

In the video, Carlson discusses his experiences as a witness at presentation of the Thunderstorm generator, and how it seems to somehow have the ability to transform the exhaust gases from an internal combustion (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides) engine into pure unpolluted air.

Carlson explains that this technology is in its very beginning stages, and many people are trying to understand what is going on with it. The key, he believes, lies in the fact that plasmoids are produced in this technology, and plasmoids have the ability to self-organize in interesting ways that we so far don’t fully understand.

An interesting side note: Carlson talks about Bob Greenyer, one of our frequent contributors!

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