Leonardo Corp. White Paper Published: “E-Cat Power – The Impossible Made Possible”

There is a new document on the ecatthenewfire.com website titled: “E-Cat Power – The Impossible Made Possible : 24/7 Unlimited Sustainable Electricity from Nature”.

It is a 20-page introduction to the E-Cat which provides an overview of E-Cat technology and a discussion of the benefits it can provide. There are comparisons made between E-Cat power and other currently available energy technology. Quite a lot of the paper focuses on the environmental benefits of the E-Cat and how it can help to reach the Net Zero goals that many countries and international organizations have signed on to.

It is not a very technical document, I would classify it more as a business publication, something that could be used to provide information to businesses and individuals who may be new to the topic.

The paper makes some quite lofty and bold claims about E-Cat technology, and draws upon the vision of Nikola Tesla:

“We believe E-Cat Power has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, from powering homes
and businesses to electrifying transportation and beyond.

In fact, we believe E-Cat Power may embody Nikola Tesla’s vision of unlimited, clean electrical power available at any point of need and may ultimately prove to be a groundbreaking, revolutionary step towards a sustainable planet. We are proud to have played a role in turning Tesla’s vision into reality.”

The paper can be accessed here: https://ecatthenewfire.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/E-Cat-Power-Whitepaper-October-14-2024.pdf

E-Cat Power-Whitepaper-October 14 2024