From the following comment by Andrea Rossi today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics, it sounds like he has decided against doing another demonstration:
Andrea Rossi
October 28, 2024 at 10:29 AM
We have already made enough demonstrations and from now on will focus only to organize introducing, manufacturing and distributing, after which anybody will be able to buy the Ecat and make all the tests they want.
Sceptics ( hardest or softest as they might be ) and Trolls, Illationists and Suppositionsts, etcetera are not relevant to our activity.
The next video of the Ecat will not be a demonstration, or a test, but the presentation of the product introducing it in the market. This will be possible thanks to the successful demo of the Renault Twizy property of an independent expert that has been powered by the Ecat ( the Twizy, not the expert )
Warm Regards,
He had talked about doing at least one more presentation of an E-Cat powered heater, but maybe now he feels they have enough interest and pre-orders to now focus on the production, sales and distribution. I don’t know if this counts as an announcement that the pre-order goal has been met, but it sounds close to one.
UPDATE: Here is a recent Q&A from the JONP on the topic:
ernesto Seligardi
October 28, 2024 at 12:34 PM
Dear Andrea RossiYour answer to Praos surprised me a bit. I don’t want to have misinterpreted your words: does your answer mean that you will no longer stream the ecat that powers the stove or heater as you had initially planned before the end of the year?
If so, a part of me would still be happy, because it would mean that you no longer need it, that you have reached the goal of the orders you had set yourself or that you are very close to it. And this would mean that I will soon receive my ecats!!Andrea Rossi
October 28, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Ernesto Seligardi:
Correct, thanks to the Latina demo we are approaching the target, which was the goal of the Renault Twizy race. The video of the Ecat powering a heater will be made when we will introduce the product.
Warm Regards,