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Bob Greenyer Kickstarter Appeal to Remaster Matsumoto book “Understanding the Transformational Magic of Ball Lightning”

Bob Greenyer has launched a Kickstarter and is seeking assistance to reach his goal.

He writes:

I am now in a position to produce another critically important work for the field of LENR, a re-mastered high fidelity version of Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto’s book “Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse” and I am asking you to help make it happen.

I first came across this brilliant work during the 2018 Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning conference in Sochi, Russia. Even though I was subsequently led to believe that he had passed away, I sought access to his work regardless from Hokkaido University, where he had worked, by way of my Japanese friend and colleague Sho. Days later we were delighted to discover that Dr Matsumoto was very much alive, and he had sent us a copy of his book and thanked us for our interest in his work.

[. . .]

I am asking you today to help raise the funds to produce a second edition of Dr. Matsumoto’s book “Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse” in glorious high-quality colour, so that others can understand the transformational magic of Ball Lightning.

The kickstarter will end in the last minute of 24 December 24, California, US time

Any additional funds will be pushed towards stretch goals.

Thank you for your support.

Matsumoto Kickstarter is Live!

Understanding the Transformational Magic of Ball Lightning

Kickstarter to produce the second edition of Matsumoto’s “Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse”

Will end 24.12.24 at 24:00 California time

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