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US Navy Researcher Salvatore Pais Comments on Advanced Physics Patents


There is an interesting link posted on the vortex-l mailing list which discusses the work of Salvatore Pais who is an author of some patents assigned to the US Navy.

The work of Pais has been of interest because he is a government-sponsored researcher with patents that make unusual claims. He has been largely silent about his work over the years.

Link to the article, from the website The War Zone is here:

Here are some patents with his name on them that have garnered attention due to their very exotic claims:

1. Piezoelectricity-Induced Room Temperature Superconductor (2019) Patent US 20190058105A1

2. High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator (2017) Patent

3. Craft using an inertial mass reduction device (2016) Patent US10144532B2

The War Zone contacted Salvatore Pais seeking comment and clarification about his work. They were wondering if the patents were merely preemptive in nature (i.e. whether they were filed just to grab intellectual property ownership should the ideas eventually turn out to be feasible), or whether they were based on actual technological breakthroughs.

Pais replied (in part):

The fact that my work on the design of a Compact Fusion Reactor was accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS, should speak volumes as to its importance and credibility – and should eliminate (or at least alleviate) all misconceptions you (or any other person) may have in regard to the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts.

Mr. Tingley, do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept). The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local energy densities) generated by controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states) subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients.

Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) – the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence – Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.

The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of.

It all sounds quite familiar to some of the concepts that Andrea Rossi and many others who we have discussed on this site over the years.

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