Here is an interesting historical film that has been provided to me by an early associate of Andrea Rossi, Craig Cassarino, who was part of AmpEnergo, a company that was an early E-Cat licensee.
I first became aware of Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat in 2011 when he held a demonstration and press conference in Bologna, Italy. I was not aware of this private test which took place in Bedford, New Hampshire until very recently. The invitees were people who had been interested and involved in LENR research.
In the early days, the E-Cat was a heater, not an electricity generator as it is today. In this video, the E-Cat is housed within insulation and attached to pipes through which water is circulated. The water temperature is monitored by thermocouples.
To me it’s so interesting to see how basically Andrea Rossi has not changed a bit in the way he works, always focused intently on his technology with great seriousness. In this video he would have been about 59 years old, so looking a lot younger than his current 74 years.
The fliming was done by Todd Norwood (