Andrea Rossi has been talking recently about an agreement that he has been negotiating with an unnamed entity that is connected with manufacturing and sales. He has said that he is under NDA so has not been providing any information about it.
Last week on the Journal of Nuclear Physics a reader asked Rossi whether the negotiations had been positive or negative Leonardo Corporation. His reply was “very positive”.
I followed up with a question today:
Frank Acland
December 21, 2024 at 10:42 AM
Dear Andrea,You stated that the results of your negotiations with an unnamed party has been ‘very positive’ for Leonardo Corp. Congratulations!
Does this mean that production will start sooner than if you were depending alone upon pre-orders from the public?
His response:
Andrea Rossi
December 21, 2024 at 11:41 AM
Frank Acland:
Maybe: they are building a mega factory dedicated, with a huge investment.
Warm Regards,
So, to me it seems that an agreement has been reached, the result being a commitment from the other party to manufacture a plant to manufacture E-Cats. It would appear that the other party is providing the funding for the factory. For this project to work Leonardo will of course have to provide technical know-how to this party on how to do the manufacturing. Probably in the negotiations there were stipulations about security and safeguarding Leonardo’s IP.
Rossi has said that this agreement has come about as a result of the Latina test, so Rossi must be considering that demonstration as a great success now.