Rossi: New Partnership Means E-Cat Preorder Target “Has been reached”

I spoke with Andrea Rossi recently to learn what I could about the latest developments with his establishing a new partnership. I actually had two conversations which were recorded but the first one which took place on Saturday was terrible quality due to a bad internet connection on my end, so I asked him if I could reschedule the interview. He readily agreed so we had another interview this morning. So in effect I did two interviews in the space of three days. We covered basically the same ground in each interview, but there were differences in detail, so I think it is important to publish the information from both.

I will publish the second interview soon on the E-Cat World YouTube channel, (also here on ECW) and I will probably end up just transcribing the first one because I don’t think it is fit for publication in video format because of the poor quality.

Anyway, one important piece of information that came out of the first interview was when I asked him about where things stood in regards to the pre-order target of 100 MW of E-Cat units that he had said needed to be met before production begins.

His response was, that with the new partnership “it has been reached”. So it looks like all that needs to take place now is for the manufacturing facilities to be put into place, and then the production will begin. He says he will honor the priority of orders that have been placed, and those who put orders in now will hold their place in the queue.

More information will be available once I post the video, either later tonight or by tomorrow morning at the latest.