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Transcript of Interview With Andrea Rossi, Dec 28th 2024

I explained here that prior to the interview with Andrea Rossi that was published on December 30th, I had conducted an earlier interview on December 28th that turned out to be unusable because of a poor internet connection on my end. I was able to hear most of the audio so I decided to transcribe that interview and publish it in text format.

Here it is:

FA: Could you tell us how this partnership came about? What were the events which led up to this partnership being established?

AR: I would say that the Latina test has been disruptive in this sens.e We had many requests of many kinds, most of them interesting. We have chose the one that is most promising for the development of our work.

What will be the role of this new entity, I assume there’s been a new entity.

Well we agreed upon a license to allow them to have the world exclusive to manufacture the E-Cat, and also the commercial exclusive with some exceptions in some geographic areas. So basically, they are going to make an important factory which will supply also jobs,

My function will be the one to direct the installment in this factory of all the production lines. I matured already the know-how during these years, and during all the changes we made to the E-Cat.

What does this mean for Leonardo Corporation? Does Leonardo corporation still exist?

Yes, Leonardo Corporation will continue to exist to support the activity of our partner. My role in their activity will be the role of the chief scientist, but Leonardo’s research and development laboratories will continue to live, and this will be at the service of the new partner.

Will you keep your current development team?

Part of it will be hired by the partner, some elements that I will suggest to them to give them immediate help will go with them. I will retain another part of my team.

Does this mean that your partner will now be involved in the development of the technology, as well as manufacturing?

Yes, we will collaborate also on that issue.

Currently you are offering various models of the E-Cat for pre-order. WIll that change, will you be going to offer new types of E-Cats based on this new collaboration?

Not so far, but probably yes, in future because the evolution will go ahead. Of course, the partner will maintain all the engagements that Leonardo has generated about the preorders.

Will it be possible in the future for other partnerships to be formed, or will this be an exclusive partnership for manufacturing?

No they will have the exclusive for my intellectual and prototype production, but it is possible that they will make further partnerships.

So they could form further partnerships with other organizations if it was in the best interests for everybody?


So if there is somebody who approaches you, Andrea, and says I would like to be a licensee or I would like to be a reseller of E-Cat technologies, what would your answer be to them?

To them, for now, there will be no answer. When the activity of our partner will start, we will address them to our partner.

So right now all other arrangements would be on hold until everything is in place with your partner?

Yes, exactly.

Who will then be in ultimate control of E-Cat going forward? Is it you, is it them? Is it joint control?

We are working on that, we are on the same wavelength, so I don’t think there will be problems. I am sure there will be a collaboration of decisions.

Some people have worried that if somebody else gets control, then E-Cat technology will be buried, and no one will ever use it.

No, that is not possible.

You’ve mentioned that a mega factory is being prepared.


One location?

The main factory, yes, it will be in one location. Surely there will be satellites around the world to facilitate the activity, because as any global concern does.

Now the building that is being prepared, is it already in place, or do you have to start completely from zero.

It is a building in place that has to be updated.

When do you think this partnership will be revealed publicly?

I cannot answer this question. I can say so far the issue is NDA. Obviously when the global activity will begin, when the deliveries will begin, there will be, I suppose, an important communication that will be worldwide.

Do you expect that you will still need to meet that pre-order threshold, the one million 100 watt units? Is that still necessary before you start?

With them, we already reached it.

Okay, that’s good news. You are accepting pre-orders still, I am assuming?

Of course, we are accepting new pre-orders, of course.

What does the future hold for yourself? What will your activity be, as a chief scientist?

As a chief scientist, I will direct the research and development division.

And you will be doing that for the rest of your life, I assume.


I am assuming that this new partnership will have all the intellectual property that is necessary, so once you are no longer living on this earth, the work will be able to go forward?

Of course.

So they will have all the information, and all the necessary trade secrets, patents, etc. intellectual property.

Of course, all the know-how. And all the papers I produced in the last twenty years. Obviously, most of them have not been published. I am talking of thousands and thousands of pages.

Without getting into who these people are, do they have the technological personnel there to understand and carry on the work that you have been doing?

Yes, of course.

So it sounds like they have high technological capabilities.


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