Rossi: Quantum Legacy Foundation not the Partner, Only Provisional Contact Point

There’s a twist in the E-Cat partner story, based on a recent question and answer today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:


Ecat Enthusisast
January 13, 2025 at 1:33 PM
Dr. Rossi,

You wrote yesterday “We decided together to wait for the readiness to deliver before disclose names and location.”

But now we now know the name of the partner, which is Quantum Legacy Foundation (which I had never heard of before). Which names have still to be disclosed?

I am hoping and waiting with much anticipation for the products to be released!

Thank you, I hope you make a big impact and help us all. We need your precious technology!

Rossi’s response:

Andrea Rossi
January 13, 2025 at 4:16 PM
Ecat Enthusiast:
Quantum Legacy Foundation is not the name of the Partner that will manufacture and sell the Ecats, as you can see if you read carefully its website; it is a foundation that our Partner has set up with the mission you can read in the website. Waiting for the disclosure of the name of the Partner, QLF will be the provisional contact point.
Warm Regards,

Based on this answer, what is actually going on is not really clear now. Based on Rossi’s response here, the real Partner is apparently hiding behind the Quantum Legacy Foundation for the time being. It’s quite a mystery at this point.