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What Could an E-Cat-Heated World Look Like?

It is too soon to definitively declare Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat to be a new form of energy for the world, but while we are waiting to hear from the results of Andrea Rossi’s upcoming tests, I thought it would be interesting and perhaps instructive to do a little speculating about what kind of a world we could be looking at if positive results are reported.

The E-Cat is essentially a heater which can apparently produce hot water and/or steam. Andrea Rossi has said that this technology will be able to produce heat at about one tenth of the cost of conventional heating sources. If this is the case, we could be looking at some very significant changes in the way the world is powered, and the effects that a much cheaper source of power could have on our world.

Here are a few ideas that come to mind.

1. Domestic, commercial and industrial heating could rapidly switch from fossil fuel energy sources to the E-Cat, resulting in a much reduced demand for natural gas and petroleum products.

2. E-Cat heat could make energy intensive desalination processes viable and allow for drinking water and irrigation in many of the drier parts of the world. Land that is currently arid could be made fertile allowing for increased agricultural production to feed a growing world population.

3. Cheap and abundant heat could allow for the growing of more food products in cooler climates. A model could be how Iceland uses its geothermal energy resources to provide heat for greenhouses and soil heating. Even bananas can thrive in such an environment!

4. One of the great possibilities for the E-Cat is in electricity generation. Andrea Rossi has said there are still difficulties to be overcome in this area (apparently electricity generation at lower temperatures is necessary) — but he estimates within one to two years the technology should be available.

5. Underground heating for snow and ice melting during winter — could be very beneficial on roads, parking lots and airport runways.

I’m always interested in what our readers have to say, so I’d like to throw this question out to the audience. What other kinds of changes do you think we could be seeing at if the E-Cat turned out to be a viable source of power? If you have any ideas to add to the list, please add them to the comments section below.

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