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Rossi Tells PESN That He Has Sold Home to Finance E-Cat Launch

Andrea Rossi has been quite open about the financial challenges he has been facing lately, particularly following the split with Defkalion Green Technologies which took place after they were apparently unable to meet contractual financial obligations.

PESN contacted Rossi and asked if they might be able to arrange for a way for people to donate funds to help the E-Cat project come to a successful conclusion. Rossi responded emphatically:

“No, I absolutely do not want people to spend money. Do not worry, I have the money to finish the work. We do not have serious financial problems and I have all the finance necessary to do what I have to do.”

Later he explained “I have sold my house, now I have the money to finish the plant.”

Ever since information about the E-Cat story has been public, Rossi has insisted that he would finance the whole affair using his own sources and he seems to be determined to keep this commitment. The stance allows him to maintain a level of independence, and also (perhaps more importantly) gives him the ability to avoid the ‘scammer’ label which so often is applied to people who seek investments or donations for ambitious projects — many of which eventually fail, leaving those investors or donors with nothing of value.

While it is yet to be seen if Rossi can provide convincing evidence of the validity of his technology, he seems to be able to say with credibility that he has not been financing his project with money from the public.

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