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George Miley's LENR Invention Up for Another Vote [Updated: Miley Comments]

A new round of voting is underway on the Future Energy Ultra Light Startups website for energy projects that have the chance of being featured at upcoming events in Boston, New York and Silicon Valley.

One of the projects that is up for being voted on is a LENR Distributed Power Unit being pitched by Dr. George Miley’s (University of Illinois) company LENUCO.

There was a round of voting last month on this site, and the Miley project was able to apparently get enough votes to stay in the running. The web site says about the contestants:

We will identify semi-finalists from among the companies who complete the application form. These semi-finalists will be given the opportunity to create a profile on this crowdvoting site. The two semi-finalists that receive the most votes on the crowdvoting site will receive automatic bids to present at Future Energy.

The complete list of contestants can be seen here. So the goal for Dr. Miley is to be one of the top two sites and at this moment (March 5) his project is well in the lead.

For more details about the LENR unit, and to cast a vote, go to this page. Voting is open for the next ten days.

UPDATE: I had emailed George Miley asking about exactly what this voting was for and received the following comment:

“Frank – thanks for you interest and help. This is to make a presentation in Boston to potential funders. Due to the good showing in DC at ARPA-E, LENICO was automatically placed in this new competition. I will send more details later as I get them.”

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