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Chu, Gore and LENR (Philip James)

The following post was originally made by ECW reader Philip James on this thread.

Steven Chu and I were at a meeting together (on Biology) in DC when he was still Secretary of Energy. At the coffee break we were talking about other things and I mentioned Rossi and LENR to him (his security agents were looming nearby). He scoffed and said “Not possible”. He knows I am a “credible” scientist in my field and asked me why I thought it might be true. I told him “First, because the data is starting to look interesting. Second, for the same reason I am right in my own field against all odds… because it just feels right”. Not very scientific of me, I know, but in the absence of formal data, all you have to go on is your intuition. I was surprised to be honest though that he had not heard of it.

I was at the Kleiner Perkins Christmas Party in Atherton a couple years ago (KP invested in a company of mine). I brought it up to Al Gore in front of a group of people. He asked, “What’s LENR?”. I explained. He said “Hmmm… have not heard of it”. A few months later he actually did mention LENR publicly in some forum as an area of research people are looking at — he gave no opinion per se. I am sure he asked questions, or someone else has brought him up to speed — whether driven by my question or not.

Point is… repeated mentions “stick”.

I never expected to change their mind on anything. But being a “credible ” scientist in their eyes and even mentioning it takes it out of the comic pages and puts it on the radar.

My point? The more CREDIBLE people or scientists (such as yourself) who dare to bring it up to opinion leaders on the subject– the better. Bring it up to Dyson. He’s certainly not afraid of big ideas.

Both Gore and Chu are smart people (if political). If the report is positive, they will pay attention. They also both, to the extent I know them in limited ways, do care about “truth” and betterment for humanity. They are political in that they know they must work with the system. In addition, the THREAT that China or another country is going to take advantage of it will certainly change their point of view.

So… keep pushing. I’d be interested in knowing if Steve’s stance has changed in the last year.

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