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Transcript of Radio Interview With Bo Hoistad on the Lugano E-Cat Test (We Want LENR Fusione Fredda)

Many thanks to ECW reader We Want LENR Fusione Fredda for providing the following translated transcription of an interview with Bo Hoistad of the Lugano testing team that was broadcast on the Italian Radio24 Smart City program on December 12.

Maurizio Melis announces the program on the ECAT, a mysterious invention which is a “boiler of sorts, running on cold fusion”. He speaks about this because on October 8, 2014, the Third Party Independent Report was released on the function of the ECAT.

Because of the bad reputation that determined the fall from grace in 1989 of this branch of research, there has been skepticism from the outset, and there is no shortage of accusations of fraud if anyone attempts to analyze the subject in further depth.

“The majority of nuclear scientists decry this effect simply as impossible, firstly because the temperature is way too far from the temperatures in the millions of degrees which trigger nuclear fusion in the sun and other stars; secondly because, apparently, cold fusion does not emit radiation, only heat. This goes against almost everything we know on nuclear fusion reactions.

A minority of physicists think that such arguments are not sufficient to close the case, besides, various researchers, through the years, have declared to have obtained evidence that in reality this phenomenon does exist.
The latest experiment on the ECAT was reported in an Independent test performed by members of the Universities of Bologna and Uppsala, and of the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The report is written by the same scientists who had written the previous test approximately a year before, in Ferrara. The ECAT had undergone other
tests in the past to measure the heat that it produced.

The idea was that if an object of a certain size produces enough heat, nothing happening inside of it, besides nuclear type reactions, can justify this production of energy.

The ECAT had already been submitted to this type of evaluation, but with an experimental approach that could not completely rule out scams or measurement errors. Which of course had given the rise, more than understandably, to accusations of manipulation.

Today we can say that this first objection has been overcome. In the last experiment Rossi’s ECAT – imagine a small cylinder, 20 cm long and about 2 or 3 in diameter – produced energy continuously for 32 days, remaining in a temperature range between 1200°C and 1400 °C, producing more than 3 times the energy absorbed during operation. But the most important aspect of this last test is that, for the first time, it was possible to analyze the fuel before and after the reaction. In fact, nuclear reactions leave traces that are absolutely obvious. I spoke about this with to Bo Höistad, professor of nuclear physics at the University of Uppsala, who attended this very experiment. Listen to how it went.”.


Bo Höistad (in the Italian translation):

“What we found was an isotopic shift; that is, either the chemical species changed, or the isotopic composition, the number of neutrons of the chemical species of origin, changed. This surprised us very much because we were very skeptical about it. But you can not be so skeptical to even try it, so we analyzed the ashes, with various different methodologies, so we could make sure that all gave the same results. And, like I said, we found an isotopic shift. And this is a sensational fact, because there can not be an isotopic shift without nuclear reactions having occurred. We have a clear shift with lithium and nickel, once again a surprising fact, but also useful to try to understand what might have happened in there.”

Maurizio Melis (or interviewer):
“This, that data you have noted, this shift of lithium and nickel, is it consistent with the amount of energy you have measured outside, in the form of heat?”

Bo Höistad (in the Italian translation):
“Actually, given the amount of fuel and the type of transformation that it has undergone at the end of the process, we can estimate how much energy must have been released. We did this calculation, which can be read in the publication, and the answer is yes: the amount of energy measured is consistent with what was expected”.

Melis (or interviewer):
“Professor, there are some who cast doubts on the experiment for the fact that it was
Andrea Rossi, albeit in your presence, who introduced the fuel powder into the unit and then removed it at the end of the process. Do you think Rossi could somehow have manipulated these powders under your eyes?”

Bo Höistad:
“Of course we were very careful not to allow anything occult or hidden to happen, as a precaution. But the answer is no. We manipulated the ashes. Rossi was present, and he assisted in the operation.”

Melis (or interviewer):
“Did you choose the sample that was to be analyzed?”

Bo Höistad:

“Yes, of course. We picked the sample ourselves. But really, what can I say. In principle it is possible to fool anyone, if a person really has this gift.”.

Melis (or interviewer):
“In short, a magician or something.”

Bo Höistad:
“Exactly. But no, we don’t operate on that scale.”

“In the Bo Höistad interview that you can read in full version of the Smart City page on the Radio 24 website, [I could not find the printed version yet, NT] the scientist repeatedly specifies that in physics a single experiment, especially when it presents extraordinary results, is never enough to change an established paradigm. And it is therefore necessary that this experiment is repeated and confirmed by another independent team. So the proven proof that the ECAT functions is not there. But the conditions are there now for a major research institution to take the trouble, once and for all, to confirm or refute these results. And it is also a call, finally, for someone to come forward.”

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